Vilobos 6-8 Person Family Large Outdoor Traveling Shelter Tent

Natures Calling
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Quick Overview

Vilobos 6-8 Person Family Large Outdoor Traveling Shelter Tent is perfect for outdoor camping, hiking or fishing use. It provides you with good shelter and easy to set up when you are out. It protects you and your family from UV rays. Features: It is easy to attach it to ground...
Vilobos 6-8 Person Family Large Outdoor Traveling Shelter Tent is perfect for outdoor camping, hiking or fishing use. It provides you with good shelter and easy to set up when you are out. It protects you and your family from UV rays.
  • It is easy to attach it to ground with its nails.
  • It is windproof and waterproof, and best for 8 Persons.
  • It has one big door opening. It is easily foldable and lightweight to carry.
  • Size: 150"L x 87"W x 71"H
  • Features: water resistant, UV resistant, Organizer Pockets, Screen/Shade
  • Model: KM0044
  • Non-Domestic Product: No
  • Modified Item: No
  • Fabric: 180T nylon oxford PU 118 Inches
  • Custom Bundle: No
  • Color: Blue
  • Style: Frame Tent
  • MPN: KM0044-blue
  • Season: General Use
  • Inner: 190T breathable cloth
  • Material: Nylon
  • Floor: 210D nylon oxford PU 118 Inches
  • Type: Roof Tent
  • Item Name: 6-8 Person Family Large Tent
  • Capacity: 8 Person
  • Brand: VILOBOS
  • UPC: 722794204227
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