Portable USB Hanging Solar Panel Outdoor Camping Fishing Lamp Tent Light Hook

Natures Calling
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Quick Overview

The portable USB hanging lamp is specially designed for outdoor use. It is ideal to be used for outdoor camping, hiking and picnic parties. It is also suitable to be taken for fishing use on a boat. Features: The lamp can be hung over the desire location. It is lightweight...
The portable USB hanging lamp is specially designed for outdoor use. It is ideal to be used for outdoor camping, hiking and picnic parties. It is also suitable to be taken for fishing use on a boat.
  • The lamp can be hung over the desire location.
  • It is lightweight and easy to carry.
  • The lamp can be charged with its USB port, and with sun UV ray.
  • You can also gift this lamp to travelling lovers.
  • Power Source: Solar
  • Lightbulb Type: LED
  • Type: Lantern
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