Self Adhesive Bandage First Aid Kit Medical Health Care Treatment

Natures Calling
SKU: 200007763:201336106;14:200003699
Regular Price $5.99 Sale Price Unit price: $0.00
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Quick Overview

This bandage is a non-adhesive tape that sticks to itself, no need for pins or other tapes to keep it together. It is ideal for applying compression to injured muscles as it does not stick to the skin or hair. Features: Easily adheres to itself, not stick to skin or...

This bandage is a non-adhesive tape that sticks to itself, no need for pins or other tapes to keep it together. It is ideal for applying compression to injured muscles as it does not stick to the skin or hair.


  • Easily adheres to itself, not stick to skin or hair.
  • Easy to apply and take off.
  • After bandaging, skin can full contact with air.
  • Ease of evaporation of sweat and moisture, high comfort
  • Its length can exceed more than 200% and enhance the performance of dressing.
  • Conforms to the body, perfect for sustained compression


  • Material: Non-woven
  • Colors: Black,Blue,Khaki,White,Pink,camouflage
  • Size: 5cm*5m
  • Package Included: 1 * Bandage (NO Retail Box. Packed Safely in Bubble Bag.)
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