Magnetic Socks | Self Heating Therapy For Ankle Pain

Natures Calling
SKU: 14:193;200007763:201336106
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Magnetic Socks | Self Heating Therapy For Ankle Pain can self-heating to warm and relax your feet in cold weather. It removes moisture and stops odor removes swelling of the legs and feet peeling of the skin, produces a static foot massage, regulates blood flow.


  • It is made of high-quality polyester-cotton with the characteristics of softness and comfortable, has a long life.
  • The bottom of socks has a Tourmaline design which can self-heating to warm and relax your feet in cold weather.
  • The socks relieve leg fatigue, pain, regulate the nervous system, self-heating, remove moisture and stop odor remove swelling of the legs and feet peeling of the skin, produce a static foot massage, regulate blood flow.
  • It is the perfect tool for legs with varicose veins, as well as in renal failure.
  • It is good therapy for the ankles and feet when frostbite.





  • Great for outdoor activities: Skiing, Snowboarding, Hiking, Hockey, and other sports.
  • Package Included: 1 pair of self-heating Tourmaline socks
  • Material: Tourmaline, Polyester cotton

  • Weight: 40g

  • Type: Tourmaline socks
  • Effect: Anti-fatigue
  • Massage Socks: Health Care Socks
  • Tourmaline Massage Sock: Self-heating Sock



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