Potable Mini 20000mah Power Bank Battery Charger Built-in USB-C

Natures Calling
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Quick Overview

Portable Mini 2000mah Power Bank is an essential gear when you are travelling outdoor. It helps you to charge your mobile phone up to 3 to 4 times. It is suitable for outdoor sports, hiking, camping, party, and wedding. Features: It is a handheld power bank. It supports all types...
Portable Mini 2000mah Power Bank is an essential gear when you are travelling outdoor. It helps you to charge your mobile phone up to 3 to 4 times. It is suitable for outdoor sports, hiking, camping, party, and wedding.
  • It is a handheld power bank.
  • It supports all types of mobile phone, just need perfect cable to attached to charge the phone.
  • It is lightweight and has three ports to charge phones at a time.
  • Number of Ports: 3
  • MPN: 10556-ALL-Char
  • Design/Finish: Glossy
  • Capacity: 20000mAh
  • Model: Power Bank External Battery for Smartphone Tablet
  • Compatible Brand: Universal
  • SKU: 10556-ALL-Char
  • Brand: Drhotdeal
  • Connectivity: USB, Micro USB, USB-C
  • Power Capacity: 20000mAh
  • Type: Power Bank
  • Items Included: Charging Cable
  • Compatible Model: Universal
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