External Battery Power Bank| USB Charger for Cell Phone

Natures Calling
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Quick Overview

External Battery Power Bank| USB  Charger for Cell Phone Fully charging the battery charger takes only 6-8 hours, when you are travelling or on a business trip that will be helpful.  Features: It automatically adjusts the current and voltage, speeding up the charging efficiency up to 90%. It has a fire-retardant...
External Battery Power Bank| USB  Charger for Cell Phone Fully charging the battery charger takes only 6-8 hours, when you are travelling or on a business trip that will be helpful. 
  • It automatically adjusts the current and voltage, speeding up the charging efficiency up to 90%.
  • It has a fire-retardant shell with portable size, and easy to hold in your hand, pocket or purse. 
  • Features: LED, Anti-Scratch, Heavy Duty
  • Number of Ports: 2
  • MPN: SCB-4S100
  • Connectivity: USB, Dual USB
  • Compatible Model: Universal
  • Brand: Unbranded/Generic
  • Voltage: 5 V
  • Capacity: 50000mAh
  • Material: Plastic
  • Type: Power Bank
  • Power Capacity: 50000mAh
  • Items Included: Charging & Data Sync Cable, Data Sync Cable, Charging Cable
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