Han Wild Sport Outdoor Military Rucksacks Tactical Molle Backpack

Natures Calling
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Quick Overview

The backpack works well as a carry-on, day-trip pack, or small backpack. The go-anywhere bag offers a sleek stylish look and exceptionally useful packing space-all in a lightweight design that's perfect for savvy, minimalist packers. The daypack's adjustable breathable straps ensure a proper fit and comfortable all-day use. Features: Zipper...
The backpack works well as a carry-on, day-trip pack, or small backpack. The go-anywhere bag offers a sleek stylish look and exceptionally useful packing space-all in a lightweight design that's perfect for savvy, minimalist packers. The daypack's adjustable breathable straps ensure a proper fit and comfortable all-day use.
  • Zipper closure and 17" shoulder drop.
  • D-ring on shoulder strap for attachment purposes.
  • Molle platform on face and sides for customizing with additional gear.
  • Padded back For comfort, side multiple buckles for security.
  • Mesh padded back panel is hydration compatible. Hydration system ready and drink tube exit hole on top.
  • Contoured shoulder straps with quick-release sternum strap and waist strap.
  • Clamshell style opening master compartment with mesh sleeve pocket.
  • Two front utility pockets with organizer sleeve.


  • Dimensions: (9.45 x 8.66 x 16.53)" / (24 x 22 x 42)cm
  • MPN: Does Not Apply
  • Weight: 33.16 oz / 940 g
  • Material: Oxford Cloth
  • Suitable Groups: Neutral
  • Capacity: 30L
  • Waterproof: Yes
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