Winter Thermal Windproof Water Anti-Slip Touch Screen Bike Gloves

Natures Calling
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Quick Overview

Winter Thermal Windproof Water Anti-Slip Touch Screen Bike Gloves are specially designed to protect your hands from cold weather, it gives you the perfect grip, and ideal to wear it for outdoor camping, hiking, cycling, riding. Features: It is warm, thermal, anti-slip, with a strap to tide airlock function. These are...
Winter Thermal Windproof Water Anti-Slip Touch Screen Bike Gloves are specially designed to protect your hands from cold weather, it gives you the perfect grip, and ideal to wear it for outdoor camping, hiking, cycling, riding.
  • It is warm, thermal, anti-slip, with a strap to tide airlock function.
  • These are thermal insulated and non-slip silica gel design, -10℉ Cold-proof.
  • The gloves have a touch screen function, no need to take off to use mobile.
  • The gloves are anti-soak to keep your hand dry all day and breathable.


  • Lining Material: Polyester
  • Material: Polyester
  • MPN: Does Not Apply
  • Department: Unisex Adults
  • Performance/Activity: Cycling, Driving, Golf, Gym & Training, Hiking, Hunting, Military, Motorcycle
  • Fabric Type: Blended Fabric
  • Season: Spring, Winter
  • Style: Military & Tactical Gloves
  • Glove Length: Long/Opera
  • Theme: Army
  • Grip Coating: Polyurethane
  • Trim Material: Synthetic
  • Insulation Material: Polyester
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